TRAC v8 Reference > The Forecast Pro Views > The Item Report View
The Item Report View

The Item Report contains essentially the same information as the Numeric Output. The Item Report can contain Pareto information, statistical output such as the forecasting model specification and summary statistics as well as time series output such as history, forecasts, fitted values and confidence limits. The purpose of the Item Report is to provide a way to look at custom views that may use different settings than those required for the Numeric Output. The Numeric Output settings are typically defined for how the data needs to be exported within a forecasting process, while the Item Report is intended to be used interactively.

To open the Item Report view, click the Item Report icon on the Reports tab.

If you double-click an item on the Item Report, the Navigator will jump directly to that item. Thus, you can use the Item Report as the equivalent of a Hot List to navigate through the listed items. All global report views support this kind of navigation.

The content and format of the report is controlled using the Item Report Settings dialog box. This dialog box is invoked by selecting Settings from the Item Report icon’s drop-down, or by selecting Settings on the view’s hamburger menu or from the Item Report view’s context menu. The Item Report Settings dialog box functionality is a subset of the Numeric Output Settings dialog box. Please consult The Numeric Output View section of this chapter for details
