Forecast Pro TRAC only
There may be times when the history read in from the historic data file will not produce an appropriate forecast. For example, you may have a seasonal product that does not have enough data history for a seasonal forecast. Perhaps you need to forecast a new item that is replacing an existing item, or you are launching an existing item in a new location or warehouse. In these cases, you can use mapped history to generate a forecast history that Forecast Pro can use to generate a more suitable forecast.
The forecast history is the history that Forecast Pro uses to generate the forecast. If you have not mapped any history, the forecast history is the history Forecast Pro read in from the historic data file. With mapped history, you map additional data (the mapped history) to the actual history to create a forecast history that is different from the actual history. To clarify,
Forecast History = Mapped History + Observed History
If mapped history is not defined, Forecast Pro simply uses the observed history to generate a forecast. That is, the forecast history is equal to the observed history.
Product mapping is a good way to generate forecast history values. When you map a product’s history, the Map from item’s forecast history is the mapped history that is used to generate the Map to item’s forecast history. You may also define mapped history by reading in values, as described below.