Forecast Pro allows you to define item-level conversion factors (i.e., multipliers) which can be used to display the history and forecasts in alternative units.
You create a conversions file to define the item-level conversion factors and utilize the Conversions row of the data manager to specify and read in the file. The creation of conversion files is fully documented here.
In our current example we defined three alternative units of measure in the conversion file, dollars, kilos and pallets.
Right click on the override grid to invoke its context menu and select Settings.

The Overrides Settings box gives you a great deal of control over the Override display.
Click on the Add or Remove button. Notice that the Add or Remove dialog box includes Default, Dollars, Kilos and Pallets rows.

Select all four measures and click OK. For each measure, make sure that the Display box is selected and set the format for Dollars to Currency. Click the OK button.

Your display should now look like the one above.
Notice that the conversion rows display the forecasts in the alternative units of measure. This allows you to enter changes in the currently displayed units (in this example the default—cases) and immediately see the impact on the other units of measure.
Select the Operations tab on the Ribbon menu. Notice that there is a drop-down on the far right of the tab labeled “Units.” Open the Units drop-down box on the dialog bar and select Dollars.
A warning message informs you that this action will lock the statistical forecasts and move all current overrides into the inherited override row. Changing the Units back to Default will unlock the statistical forecasts and restore overrides. Click OK to continue.
Notice that the history and forecasts are now displayed in dollars, and the status bar in the right bottom corner of the Forecast Pro window reads “Stat Forecast Locked.”
You are now working with dollars. Any overrides that you make to the forecasts, reports that you generate, etc. will be in dollars.
Click the right arrow button to proceed.