Forecast Pro TRAC only
Click on the Forecast Accuracy icon on the Reports tab to open the Forecast Accuracy report. The Forecast Accuracy report looks at previously generated forecasts vs. what actually happened.

The Comparison section at the top of the dialog box is where you define the type of Forecast(s) you want to use (Baseline, Forecast, Statistical) and the lead time you want to compare to. A lead time refers to the number of periods ahead of the forecast origin (the period when the forecast is generated) the forecast was made for. Thus, a one-month-ahead forecast would have lead time equals 1, a two-month-ahead forecast would have lead time equals 2, etc. By default, the report compares the forecast we made last period (Forecast(L1)) to what actually happened for the current month only.
The Include section allows you to specify which statistics you want to show in the report.
The Display section lists the optional columns you may include in the report.
- Status: Displays the status.
- Status Assigned By: Displays the user who assigned the status.
- Status Assigned Date: Displays the date the status was assigned.
- Last Viewed By: Displays the user who last viewed the item.
- Last Viewed Date: Displays the date the item was last viewed.
- Description: Displays the Description for the item in the historic data file.
- Pareto: Includes four additional columns: Pareto, % of Total, Ranking and Cumulative %. Consult The Pareto Tab for more information.
- Comments (Y/N): Displays a value of Yes or No to identify which items have item-level comments associated with them.
- Comments: Displays the most recent comment.
- Custom Filters: If you have included filters in the project (see Custom Filter Fields in Setting Up Your Optional Data), you may add those to the report.