Click Compare Forecasts icon in the Data Tools group on the Forecasting tab to compare the current forecasting model against another one.
If you click the Compare Forecasts button, a ribbon bar will appear. This includes a Current text box, which is the model currently being applied to the selected item, and a Comparison text box, which is an alternative model that you can compare against the current model. The comparison model’s forecast is displayed in blue on the override grid and the graph view. You can select other models on the Forecasting tab to change the comparison model. If you move to another item on the navigator, the comparison model will remain the same so you can quickly see what the comparison model would look like for a number of items.
The comparison ribbon bar also includes left and right arrows. The left arrow applies the comparison model as the current statistical method for the selected item. Use this arrow if you decide that the comparison model looks better than the current model. The right arrow applies the current modifier on the selected item to the Comparison text box.
The view will also have a forecast report, a graph, and an override grid. The forecast report will contain an additional section comparing the current and comparison models, the graph will have a blue line representing the comparison forecast, and the override will have a blue row representing the comparison forecast.
Click Exit to stop comparing models.