Forecast Pro has allowed us to have deeper discussions with better information. By coupling the quantitative framework provided by Forecast Pro TRAC with the qualitative input from sales and marketing, we are able to create true consensus. The end result is not only buy-in from different parts of the organization, but a crisper view of the market and its needs.
When you combine the accuracy of Forecast Pro’s models based on underlying driving indicators with the ability to adjust the baseline forecasts to incorporate domain knowledge, it’s hard to dispute that the forecasts will be more accurate.
Our forecasts are used for everything from planning/scheduling all the way up to revenue projection by the executive team. We have a full compliment of Forecast Pro products at Oberto.
We use Forecast Pro TRAC to forecast a large product hierarchy consisting of 65,870 items at the lowest level. Adjustments to the statistical forecasts are typically made for three types of items—new products, new customers and items identified via exception reports—and the process incorporates input from our marketing, international and customer service organizations. Forecast Pro is both accurate and user friendly, and enables us to better serve our customer base.
Raymond Allen, Biomet Microfixation
Forecast Pro is so easy to use that we were able to create forecasts on the first day that it was installed. Within the first year, Forecast Pro helped us to reduce our forecast error to single digits.
The developments with Forecast Pro TRAC take our forecasting process to new levels. We now have the opportunity to have a fully integrated S&OP process using just one tool rather than many disparate ones.
Forecast Pro is very easy to use. Setting up the data is a breeze and I lean heavily on the product’s expert selection mode to choose the best forecasting models. What’s nice is that if I’m uncomfortable with the algorithm chosen for a particular item or group, it’s easy to modify the forecasting method. Overriding the forecast is equally important as we take the statistical forecast and add judgment to arrive at a final demand plan. With Forecast Pro, making overrides and documenting the changes is simple.
I have been using Forecast Pro to forecast local government revenues for nearly 15 years. I am familiar with several other forecasting packages and, in my opinion, Forecast Pro is the most user-friendly software available. It offers the rare combination of providing a comprehensive solution while remaining highly accessible, even to those users without an educational background in sophisticated techniques.
Forecast Pro [Extended] is so clear and easy to use that people can learn it in a few hours and get outstanding results with no great effort
Maria Royo, Desmarrollo Technologico Comercial
Forecast Pro is a great product which has far exceeded our expectations. We began looking into statistical forecasting as a way to improve some of our business processes. We did some independent research into the field and looked at some industry-wide benchmarks. Business Forecast Systems allowed us to try the product on our own data, and the results were astounding! We fed Forecast Pro six of the past seven years of our data and allowed it to forecast the seventh (most recent) year. In each category, it came far within the industry benchmarks, sometimes achieving as little as 1% error. We have continued to use it and have not been disappointed with the results.
Dustin Miles, CBK Styles, Inc.
Uponor NA manufactures and distributes plumbing and heating systems for the residential and commercial construction markets. Forecast Pro has been instrumental in keeping us lean, despite the market volatility of the past few years. At an aggregate level, our accuracy has increased 14% in the last two years, and accuracy of SKU-level forecasts for “A” items has increased 6%. Working with multiple-level hierarchies is easy in Forecast Pro, providing us an efficient, effective and profitable way to focus on the most important items.