Help > Tutorial: General Operation > Data Considerations > Exploring the Sample Files
Exploring the Sample Files

Forecast Pro requires historic data to be input in a specific format. For many users, the data format is an initial stumbling block on the way to success in forecasting their own data. This usually happens when a user misunderstands some of the details of the data format.

The Excel row format used in this lesson is one of many formats that Forecast Pro supports. All supported formats are described in The Forecast Pro Reference Manual.

The sample data files that are shipped with Forecast Pro provide an excellent starting point for understanding all supported data formats. The default location for all Forecast Pro’s sample historic and optional input files is \Forecast Pro\Forecast Pro TRAC v7\Input in your Public Documents folder.

In this folder, you will find examples of the historic and optional data files described in the Forecast Pro Reference Manual. Opening and examining these sample files will often clarify some of the formatting questions that may arise when you are creating your own data files for use in Forecast Pro.
