Help > Tutorial: General Operation > Updating a Forecast Project > Defining the Forecasting Process
Defining the Forecasting Process

An important key to implementing a successful forecasting process using Forecast Pro is to define the process upfront and make sure that everyone involved understands their role in establishing the final numbers.

Some of the more important questions to answer before you start include:

What output is required and what format should it be in?

What naming conventions should be used for data files, output files and forecast projects, where should these files be kept and how will they be backed up?

Who is authorized to enter forecast overrides, at what level(s) are they entered and in what units are they entered?

What are the steps required to update our forecasts each planning period?

Depending on the complexity of your forecasting process and the number of individuals involved, it may be useful to document the decisions made and the steps required to update the forecasts each planning period.
